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First World War

First we have to say that the hungarian kingdom was a part of the Austro-hungarian empire, since 1867, because of the loss of Austria in the War of the Seven Weeks with Prussia. After this event, Prussia became the most powerful state in the region and Austria was forced to accept a dual monarchy with the hungarian kingdom, part of the Habsburgo´s empire (dynasty of the monarchs in Prussia) since the seventeenth century, by the Austro-hungarian commindment. It was signed in 1902 and in this treaty Hungary got its own political institutions, army and government, independent in all fields with the exception of its military, monetary, external and customs issues.

During this period, the internal policy of Hungary was characterized by the magyarization (assimilation) of its cultural minorities and the centralization of the government, which was closed to the authoritarianism. It was a rural and agrarian state dominated by a numerous and powerful nobility that had the control of most of the sources of the state.

Furthermore, with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-hungarian Empire tried to start an expansionist policy through the territories in the Balkan peninsula which were part of the state at the beginning of the eightteenth century, and in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, it was also administrated by them since the Treaty of Berlin signed in 1878, where they got the administration of the territories limited in the Balkan peninsula under the name of "Sanjacado de Novi Pazar". Serbia was willing to unify all those territories in an unique serbian state, but because of the aspirations of the Austro-hungarian empire, they decided to sign a colaboration agreement with them to administrate the Balkan states. This agreement started to run to seed in 1903 and it finished to break in 1908 with the annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina to the Austro-hungarian Empire result of the bosnian crisis. To legalize this situation, the Treaty of Berlin was modified in april of 1909, but in spite of this, the diplomatic relations between them and Serbia and its main ally, Russia, were hopelessly damaged.

After that, the empire kept trying to expand its territory to the rest of the Balkan states, and this created tensions between them and even its own allies, like Italy, when the Austro-hungarian Empire tried to take the control of Albania. With these events, the Austro-hungarian Empire became isolated in Europe, and more dependent of its most important ally, Germany.

The inheritor of the Austro-hungarian Empire was also an important part in the beginning of the First World War. With the decisions of the emperor Francisco José I, for example, the annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina, the dual monarchy of the Austro-hungarian state was head toward ruin. The inheritor Francisco Fernando supported the idea of the creation of a new state with the formation of a trial monarchy between the Austro-hungarian Empire and the slavic. It was a motion endorsed by the majority of the citizens in both states, but not by the most extreme parts of the serbian state, that wanted to see the "Great" state of Serbia taking the control of all the Balkan states. Using an anarchist organization called "The Black Hand", these serbian extremists murdered the inheritor Francisco Fernando with his wife. This event involved the triggering of the First World War.

The Austro-hungarian Empire made the serbian state responsible of financing the terrorist organizations that committed the crime. After the ultimatum of Vienna, where they demanded some difficult conditions to the serbian state, in July the 28th of 1914, the Austro-hungarian Empire declared the war to Serbia.

The alliances of both sides supposed the confrontation of the Triple Alliance (the alliance formed by Germany, the Austro-hungarian Empire and Italy) and the Triple Entente (formed by Russia, France and Great Britain) that was involved because of the alliance between Russia and Serbia.

During the war, the Austro-hungarian Empire had to fight up to four fronts, after the exit of Italy from the Triple Alliance to join forces with the side of Russia, France and Great Britain. The fronts with Romania, Serbia, Russia and Italy where a really difficult scenario to the command of the Austro-hungarian Empire. It was also disadvantaged by the low military financing of the state that supposed starting the war with an outdated armament that was difficult to modernize during the war. In spite of this, the Austro-hungarian army was able to resist more than they expected to.

With the consecutives defeats of the Austro-hungarian Empire in the four fronts, the state started to lose the internal equilibrium. This situation and the dead of Francisco José I supposed the beginning of the desintegration of the monarchy in the state. The inheritor Carlos I, ascended to the throne in 1916, and in order to avoid the imminent consequences of the war, he decided to negotiate secretly with the other side without the permission of Germany, but these attempts failed and because of this, the relation between the states of the Double Alliance (formed by Germany and the Austro-hungarian Empire affter the release of Italy) was damaged in the last years of the war.

In the last half of the year 1918, the army of the Austro-hungarian Empire was defeated in all the fronts. This, joined with the shortage of food and other necesities, the strikes and manifestations, and the riots in the army and the navy, supposed the unavoidable collapse of the monarchy. In addition to this, some states of the Austro-hungarian Empire started to drop out of the empire, as the southern slavics or the Czech Republic (proclamed in October the 28th, 1918)., and Hungary decided to declare the separation in November the 3rd of 1918. After that, the two states signed the armistice separately  with the other side (Triple Entente) in the same day.

In this war, all the states involved in the dispute had to redirect their economies to be holded by the battle. In the case of Hungary, the state had to invest a huge amount of resources to reach a similar level in the army an the armament. As I previously said, the state had an outdated armament, and to modernize it, they had to invest in their industry, but they weren´t able to reach the level of other states. They became a war-industry when they were an agricultural and small-production state before the war.


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